Customization and Collaboration
A conversation with Waterhouse and Leta Austin Foster

With so many designers wanting customization these days, we sat down for an in-depth conversation with Lance Houpt of Waterhouse Wallhangings, Katherine Porter of Thomas Strahan, and Interior Designer Leta Austin Foster to discuss Leta’s need for customization and how it ultimately led to her signature collection with Waterhouse Wallhangings.
Take a look and discover the ease and speed of this process with Waterhouse while learning about the amazing collaboration between Waterhouse and Leta Austin Foster. There is even a sneak peek at the upcoming designs in the Leta Austin Foster for Waterhouse collection.

Leta Austin Foster
Interior Designer
Leta Austin Foster & Associates, Inc

Lance Houpt
Waterhouse Wallhangings

Katherine Porter
Design Directoro
Thomas Strahan

Philip Hess
NY Textile Manager
John Rosselli & Associates